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Chidimma Carter - Founder / Music Director

Wife, mother, worship leader, teacher, children’s ministry coordinator, entrepreneur and singer/songwriter, are some words that describe Chiddy Carter. With over 20 years of professional teaching experience and 16 years of leading worship and songwriting, 10 years of professional studio recording and production, Chiddy has dedicated her time and efforts in raising the next generation of musicians, including worship artists and youth worship leaders that are eager to fulfill their God-given dreams in music.

As the founder of Guitarlina School of Music, Chiddy is dedicated to helping people who have the zeal for music and who dream of playing a musical instrument or becoming a worship leader someday.

Because learning a musical instrument helps children to succeed in all other areas of life, It has been the primary goal at Guitarlina School of Music for our team to help every student become successful adults and to instill in them leadership qualities through learning to play music.

Chiddy lives in the bay area with her husband and two sons.

To learn more about Chiddy Carter’s music, visit her music website at www.chiddycarter.com


Kaitlynne Allen - Assistant Music Director

Kaitlynne (Kait) Allen, 23, is a musician born and raised in Brentwood California. Kait is a performance vocalist who fell in love with performing and singing at the age of 14. She attended Liberty High School where she fully immersed herself into the choir program becoming a member of every choir, small group, and the Vice President of the choir club council. This propelled her passion, inspiring her to move to Texas where she earned her degree in music at Lone Star College. Here she obtained advanced knowledge of music theory, piano, sight reading/ ear training, and performance.

Kait’s performance experience spans many genres from singing classically and including professional performance experiences from the likes of Mozart’s Verdi Requiem, as well as singing backup vocals for singers on tour such as Josh Groban and Hugh Jackman.

For Kait, performing and being on stage makes her feel like the only thing that matters at that moment is making a connection between herself, the music, and the audience. 

Kait believes that music is a place for everyone to land at any point in their lives. It is not just for one age group, race, or gender, and it transcends all walks of life and personal experiences. 

Music has healing properties and everyone deserves a chance to explore the creative outlet that music can bring. Kait comes from a long line of musical families and generations of teachers both in the educational as well as private sectors.  She has always aspired to never give up on her musical dreams but to push through fearlessly and unapologetically. Kait cannot imagine her world or any world without music and is passionate about sharing the gift of music.

Music is about having fun, making big mistakes, and learning about yourself along the way. Kait provides a safe environment for her students to grow, and to not fear their abilities but grow in curiosity about them.